LGL Leukemia Program and Registry

The University of Virginia (UVA) Cancer Center is home to the LGL Leukemia Program, which provides state-of-the-art services for diagnosing and managing LGL leukemia. Dr. Loughran has an active clinical practice and sees LGL leukemia patients every Tuesday.

As part of the LGL Leukemia Program, our lab leads the only national LGL Leukemia Registry, which collects and manages blood and tissue samples from patients with LGL leukemia. These samples are an invaluable source of research information for this rare form of leukemia and enable grounding-breaking research into the origin of LGL leukemia, its pathogenesis, and testing of novel therapeutics. In addition to the patient specimens, the LGL Leukemia Registry also receives patient clinical records, which enables researchers to correlate lab findings with clinical features.

Learn more about the LGL Leukemia Program and the LGL Leukemia Registry at UVA.

PI: Thomas P. Loughran, Jr., M.D.
IRB-HSR #: 17000
IRB-HSR #: 17070

Loughran Lab LGL Leukemia Registry at the University of Virginia (UVA)
Emily Couric Clinical Cancer Center at the University of Virginia