Selected Publications


Harnessing the power of sphingolipids: Prospects for acute myeloid leukemia

Blood Reviews, 2022

Ung J, Tan SF, Fox TE, Shaw JJP, Vass LR, Costa-Pinheiro P, Garrett-Bakelman FE, Keng MK, Sharma A, Claxton DF, Levine RL, Tallman MS, Cabot MC, Kester M, Feith DJ, Loughran TP Jr

Intersection Between Large Granular Lymphocyte Leukemia and Rheumatoid Arthritis

Frontiers in Oncology, 2022

Moosic KB, Ananth K, Andrade F, Feith DJ, Darrah E, Loughran TP Jr

Advances in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Large Granular Lymphocytic Leukemia

Current Hematologic Malignancy Reports, 2020

Cheon H, Dziewulska KH, Moosic KB, Olson KC, Gru AA, Feith DJ, Loughran TP Jr

Genomics of LGL leukemia and select other rare leukemia/lymphomas

Best Practice and Research in Clinical Haematology, 2019

Moosic KB, Paila U, Olson KC, Dziewulska K, Wang TT, Xing JC, Ratan A, Feith DJ, Loughran TP Jr, Olson TL

The emergence of acid ceramidase as a therapeutic target for acute myeloid leukemia

Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets, 2017

Tan SF, Pearson JM, Feith DJ, Loughran TP Jr

LGL leukemia: from pathogenesis to treatment

Blood, 2017

Lamy T, Moignet A, Loughran TP Jr.

Vitamin D in hematological disorders and malignancies

European Journal of Haematology, 2017

Kulling PM, Olson KC, Olson TL, Feith DJ, Loughran TP Jr

Combination epigenetic and immunotherapy overcomes resistance to monoclonal antibodies in hematologic malignancies: A new therapeutic approach

Experimental Hematology, 2016

Epner EM, Saroya BS, Hasanali ZS, Loughran TP Jr

How I treat LGL leukemia

Blood, 2011

Lamy T, Loughran TP Jr

Dysregulation of sphingolipid metabolism in cancer

Cancer Biology & Therapy, 2011

Ryland LK, Fox TE, Liu X, Loughran TP, Kester M

Acute myeloid leukemia stratifies as two clinically relevant sphingolipidomic subtypes

Blood Advances, 2024

Paudel BB, Tan SF, Fox TE, Ung J, Golla U, Shaw JJP, Dunton W, Lee IS, Fares W, Patel S, Sharma A, Viny AD, Barth BM, Tallman MS, Cabot MC, Garrett-Bakelman FE, Levine RL, Kester M, Feith DJ, Claxton DF, Janes KA, Loughran TP Jr

Primary Articles:

LGL leukemia patients exhibit substantial protective humoral responses following SARS-CoV-2 vaccination

eJHaem, 2022

Cheon H, Elghawy O, Shemo BC, Feith DJ, Loughran TP Jr

CCL22 mutations drive natural killer cell lymphoproliferative disease by deregulating microenvironmental crosstalk

Nature Genetics, 2022

Baer C, Kimura S, Rana MS, Kleist AB, Flerlage T, Feith DJ, Chockley P, Walter W, Meggendorfer M, Olson TL, Cheon H, Olson KC, Ratan A, Mueller ML, Foran JM, Janke LJ, Qu C, Porter SN, Pruett-Miller SM, Kalathur RC, Haferlach C, Kern W, Paietta E, Thomas PG, Babu MM, Loughran TP Jr, Iacobucci I, Haferlach T, Mullighan CG

Genomic landscape of TCRαβ and TCRγδ T-large granular lymphocyte leukemia

Blood, 2022

Cheon H, Xing JC, Moosic KB, Ung J, Chan VW, Chung DS, Toro MF, Elghawy O, Wang JS, Hamele CE, Hardison RC, Olson TL, Tan SF, Feith DJ, Ratan A, Loughran TP

Frequent somatic TET2 mutations in chronic NK-LGL leukemia with distinct patterns of cytopenias

Blood, 2021

Olson TL, Cheon H, Xing JC, Olson KC, Paila U, Hamele CE, Neelamraju Y, Shemo BC, Schmachtenberg M, Sundararaman SK, Toro MF, Keller CA, Farber EA, Onengut-Gumuscu S, Garrett-Bakelman FE, Hardison RC, Feith DJ, Ratan A, Loughran TP

Ceramide Analogue SACLAC Modulates Sphingolipid Levels and MCL-1 Splicing to Induce Apoptosis in Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Molecular Cancer Research, 2019

Pearson JM, Tan SF, Sharma A, Annageldiyev C, Fox TE, Abad JL, Fabrias G, Desai D, Amin S, Wang HG, Cabot MC, Claxton DF, Kester M, Feith DJ, Loughran TP

Retroviral sero-reactivity in LGL leukaemia patients and family members

British Journal of Haematology, 2020

Nyland SB, Feith DJ, Poss M, Olson TL, Krissinger DJ, Poiesz BJ, Ruscetti FW, Loughran TP Jr

Retrovirus insertion site analysis of LGL leukemia patient genomes

BMC Medical Genomics, 2019

Li W, Yang L, Harris RS, Lin L, Olson TL, Hamele CE, Feith DJ, Loughran TP Jr, Poss M

IL-2 and IL-15 blockade by BNZ-1, an inhibitor of selective γ-chain cytokines, decreases leukemic T-cell viability

Leukemia, 2019

Wang TT, Yang J, Zhang Y, Zhang M, Dubois S, Conlon KC, Tagaya Y, Hamele CE, Dighe S, Olson TL, Feith DJ, Azimi N, Waldmann TA, Loughran TP Jr

TRAIL mediates and sustains constitutive NF-κB activation in LGL leukemia

Blood, 2018

Yang J, LeBlanc FR, Dighe SA, Hamele CE, Olson TL, Feith DJ, Loughran TP Jr

Epigenetic therapy overcomes treatment resistance in T cell prolymphocytic leukemia

Science Translational Medicine, 2015

Hasanali ZS, Saroya BS, Stuart A, Shimko S, Evans J, Vinod Shah M, Sharma K, Leshchenko VV, Parekh S, Loughran TP Jr, Epner EM

Immunosuppressive therapy of LGL leukemia: prospective multicenter phase II study by the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (E5998)

Leukemia, 2015

Loughran TP Jr, Zickl L, Olson TL, Wang V, Zhang D, Rajala HL, Hasanali Z, Bennett JM, Lazarus HM, Litzow MR, Evens AM, Mustjoki S, Tallman MS

Discovery of somatic STAT5b mutations in large granular lymphocytic leukemia

Blood, 2013

Rajala HL, Eldfors S, Kuusanmäki H, van Adrichem AJ, Olson T, Lagström S, Andersson EI, Jerez A, Clemente MJ, Yan Y, Zhang D, Awwad A, Ellonen P, Kallioniemi O, Wennerberg K, Porkka K, Maciejewski JP, Loughran TP Jr, Heckman C, Mustjoki S

STAT3 mutations unify the pathogenesis of chronic lymphoproliferative disorders of NK cells and T-cell large granular lymphocyte leukemia

Blood, 2012

Jerez A, Clemente MJ, Makishima H, Koskela H, Leblanc F, Peng Ng K, Olson T, Przychodzen B, Afable M, Gomez-Segui I, Guinta K, Durkin L, Hsi ED, McGraw K, Zhang D, Wlodarski MW, Porkka K, Sekeres MA, List A, Mustjoki S, Loughran TP, Maciejewski JP

Somatic STAT3 mutations in large granular lymphocytic leukemia

New England Journal of Medicine, 2012

Koskela HL, Eldfors S, Ellonen P, van Adrichem AJ, Kuusanmäki H, Andersson EI, Lagström S, Clemente MJ, Olson T, Jalkanen SE, Majumder MM, Almusa H, Edgren H, Lepistö M, Mattila P, Guinta K, Koistinen P, Kuittinen T, Penttinen K, Parsons A, Knowles J, Saarela J, Wennerberg K, Kallioniemi O, Porkka K, Loughran TP Jr, Heckman CA, Maciejewski JP, Mustjoki S

Dynamical and structural analysis of a T cell survival network identifies novel candidate therapeutic targets for large granular lymphocyte leukemia

PLOS Computational Biology, 2011

Targeting of survivin by nanoliposomal ceramide induces complete remission in a rat model of NK-LGL leukemia

Blood, 2010

Liu X, Ryland L, Yang J, Liao A, Aliaga C, Watts R, Tan SF, Kaiser J, Shanmugavelandy SS, Rogers A, Loughran K, Petersen B, Yuen J, Meng F, Baab KT, Jarbadan NR, Broeg K, Zhang R, Liao J, Sayers TJ, Kester M, Loughran TP Jr

Network model of survival signaling in large granular lymphocyte leukemia

PNAS, 2008

Zhang R, Shah MV, Yang J, Nyland SB, Liu X, Yun JK, Albert R, Loughran TP Jr

Molecular profiling of LGL leukemia reveals role of sphingolipid signaling in survival of cytotoxic lymphocytes

Blood, 2008

Shah MV, Zhang R, Irby R, Kothapalli R, Liu X, Arrington T, Frank B, Lee NH, Loughran TP Jr

Characterization of a human sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor gene (S1P5) and its differential expression in LGL leukemia

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 2002

Kothapalli R, Kusmartseva I, Loughran TP

Inhibition of STAT3 signaling leads to apoptosis of leukemic large granular lymphocytes and decreased Mcl-1 expression

Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2001

Epling-Burnette PK, Liu JH, Catlett-Falcone R, Turkson J, Oshiro M, Kothapalli R, Li Y, Wang JM, Yang-Yen HF, Karras J, Jove R, Loughran TP Jr

Epitope mapping of HTLV envelope seroreactivity in LGL leukaemia

British Journal of Haematology, 1998

Loughran TP Jr, Hadlock KG, Perzova R, Gentile TC, Yang Q, Foung SK, Poiesz BJ

Seroreactivity to an envelope protein of human T-cell leukemia/lymphoma virus in patients with CD3- (natural killer) lymphoproliferative disease of granular lymphocytes

Blood, 1997

Loughran TP Jr, Hadlock KG, Yang Q, Perzova R, Zambello R, Semenzato G, Foung SK, Poiesz BJ

Treatment of large granular lymphocyte leukemia with oral low-dose methotrexate

Blood, 1994

Loughran TP Jr, Kidd PG, Starkebaum G

Serum reactivity to human T-cell leukaemia/lymphoma virus type I proteins in patients with large granular lymphocytic leukaemia

Lancet, 1987

Starkebaum G, Loughran TP Jr, Kalyanaraman VS, Kadin ME, Kidd PG, Singer JW, Ruscetti FW

Leukemia of large granular lymphocytes: association with clonal chromosomal abnormalities and autoimmune neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, and hemolytic anemia

Annals of Internal Medicine, 1985